December 6, 2020

Advent 2: 2020

 It’s the Second Sunday of Advent. 

Have you participated in #AdventWord? What did you hear or learn? Did you share anything to #AdventWord?

My images and thoughts were posted to Facebook, and compiled here

I used the frozen fountain for the #Deliver image because it reminds me of Narnia beginning to melt and awaken when Aslan returns and the White Witch’s power begins to fail.

A ‘earth-rise’ picture seemed to be the best choice for #Earth, esp. since my husband and I just finished watching a series on NatGeo “Cosmos”, which I highly recommend. The space images are amazing and the scientific info is quite informative.

Sunrises here in the Southwest are often glorious, which is why I used one of them for #Glory. There are many other things in the world that have equal beauty and represent the Glory of God. What is it for you?

This week we have a whole new series of words. They are an interesting combination. I wonder what I’ll be inspired to find. What will the Spirit say to you through this week’s words?

The first thing that comes to my mind for today’s word #Speak is Isaiah 40:2 “Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem”, which is immortalized in Handel’s Messiah.