Work later studied for a year at Harvard and received his
Masters from Fisk University in 1898. He then began teaching Latin and Greek at
Fisk University. With his brother he collected, harmonized, and published
collections of slave songs and spirituals. He continued his work gathering the
old songs even after leaving Fisk University in 1923. He served as president of
Roger Williams University until his death in 1925.
Throughout Epiphany we’ll be looking at a verse of this song
each week. The theme of the carol is to Go, Tell, which is the message of
Epiphany. The refrain inspires us to
Go, Tell It On The
Over the hills and everywhere;
Go, Tell It On The Mountain
That Jesus Christ is born.
Over the hills and everywhere;
Go, Tell It On The Mountain
That Jesus Christ is born.
Mountains can be intimidating to climb and awe-inspiring to
look at. Some people spend great amounts of time, and money, getting to the top
of Mt. Everest or being the first to summit some other high peak. In Colorado
there are a series of peaks that are over 14,000 feet high known as Fourteeners.
Many hikers strive to climb one or more of these mountains. (Others of us prefer to take the road to the top for the view, like this one from Cottonwood Pass, CO, which is only a little over 12,000 feet in elevation.)
When you are on the top of a mountain, you can see for long
distances. From the top of Sandia Crest in Albuquerque, you can see to Mount
Taylor (over 100 miles to the west) and sometimes even further. It is no wonder
that in all cultures, mountains have been regarded as the home of the gods.
There are lots of verses about Mountains in the Bible. God
often meets someone on a mountain. Think of Noah, who landed on Mt. Ararat and
Moses who met with God on Sinai and Horeb. Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac
on a mountain until restrained by God. There was Elijah who fled to the
mountain of God and was there consoled and encouraged by the ‘still small
Mountains are also compared to God’s steadfast
love. “For the mountains may be removed
and the hills may shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you,
And My covenant of peace will not be shaken," Says the LORD who has
compassion on you.” (Isaiah 54:10) Psalm 95 reminds us “In [God’s] hand are the depths of the earth,
the peaks of the mountains are His also.”
Jesus is tempted on a ‘high place’ to worship Satan (Luke
4:5-7). Jesus preaches on mountainsides and is transfigured on a mountain while
talking to Elijah and Moses. Later, he compares mountains to faith. In Matthew
17:20 he says, “if you have faith the
size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to
there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”
The refrain of our song says we should ‘go, tell it on the
mountain, that Jesus Christ is born’. This is an echo of Isaiah 40:9 “You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a
high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice
with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, ‘Here is your God!’” This verse may
remind you of Handel’s Messiah in
which the solo uses these same words.
We are encouraged to get
out of the day-to-day valleys of life to proclaim this good news. From the
heights we can see further and be heard for greater distances. We are invited
to meet God in the hills, like the ancient prophets did. The song says that the
Good News is to be told over the hills
and everywhere.’ Sometimes it is necessary to get away from the
distractions of the everyday life in order to be found by God.
How can you escape from the day-to-day valleys to find a
mountain and tell the Good News?
Are there mountains you need to surmount to tell the Good
What does the Good News that “Jesus Christ is born” mean for
you in this New Year?
Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll look at the
Shepherds response to the announcement.