March 15, 2015

Lent 4-Candles

This Lent we’re exploring some symbols of the season, an idea inspired by Lent in a Bag. Using some of those ideas and a few of my own, I offer these meditations as a starting point for your own contemplation during the week, or for discussion with family or prayer group. I hope the ideas will spark some new insights along your Lenten journey.
This week, we look at candles and light. What does a candle have to do with Lent? We think of candles at Christmas when the ‘Light of the World’ arrives; or candles at Easter proclaiming the great Paschal Feast. However, here we are mid-Lent and considering candles. What gives?
Jesus tells us we are “the light of the world”. (Matthew 5:14). He goes on to say that light is meant to be seen when he reminds those listening, “No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.”  
It is tempting to think that my little bit of light doesn’t make any difference. You may remember the children’s song This Little Light of Mine. Using the forefinger as a candle children have great fun letting the ‘little light shine’ and not ‘let Satan blow it out’! As that song teaches the children, each of us is an important flame of light in the world.
The song Light of the World from the musical Godspell* is based on Matthew 5:13-15. The song notes that when we put our light under a bushel we’ve lost “something kind of crucial” and that “the tallest candlestick ain't much good without a wick.” Lent is a time when we can pause and consider what kind of light we are giving off. We can take the time to throw off the basket that’s covering our light and trim our wick so we burn more brightly. You can see part of the Light of the World scene from the movie Godspell.
A candle doesn’t give very much light, but in a dark place it offers comfort and warmth like nothing else can. Our ancestors understood the mechanics of candle and lamp light much better than we do. My husband’s grandmother once told me how she was responsible for trimming the wicks for the lamps in the house when she was a little girl. A candle or lamp wick needs to be trimmed to the proper length to burn effectively and not smoke. In fact, companies that sell scented candles encourage you to trim the wick to 1/8-1/4 inch because otherwise all the lovely scent turns into sooty smoke without really scenting the air! I’ve always thought that trimming the wick would make the candle less effective. Instead, it is the short, neatly cared for wick that burns best. Interesting metaphor, don’t you think, for the way God keeps our ‘wicks trimmed’ by circumstances in our lives. 
In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells “the people, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” (John 8:12) As followers of Jesus we are to be light in the world because we cannot walk in darkness. Our flame, small or large, is needed.
I’ve always found great comfort in “thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. (Psalm 119:105) Of course the psalmist is referring to a hand held candle or lantern not a brilliant flashlight. The verse reminds me that I do not get a searchlight showing the road for miles, but enough light to show me the next step or two. The direction is out of my control because I cannot plan ahead (not that I don’t try). I have to trust God to light the path one step at a time. God’s word is the candle/lamp that lights the house and immediate pathway so that we can trust God. We are little lights in the world to help provide light to someone else.
This week
  • Meditate using a candle. Sit in darkness with just the candle and sit close enough so you can really see the colors and shapes of the flame. Let your mind and heart experience the candle OR
  • If Jesus is the Light we follow and if we reflect that light, consider how God is trimming your wick so you ‘burn’ and give light most effectively OR
  • Think about being the ‘light of the world’. What is covering your light?
Next week we’ll look ‘seeds’ and growth during Lent.
Light of the World from Godspell
*You are the light of the world!
You are the light of the world!
But if that light is under a bushel,
Brrr, it's lost something kind of crucial
You got to stay bright to be the light of the world.
You are the salt of the earth
You are the salt of the earth
But if that salt has lost its flavor
It ain't got much in its favor
You can't have that fault and be the salt of the earth!
So let your light so shine before men
Let your light so shine
So that they might know some kindness again
We all need help to feel fine (let's have some wine!)
You are the city of God
You are the city of God
But if that city's on a hill
It's kinda hard to hide it well
You've got to stay pretty in the city of God…
You are the light of the world
You are the light of the world
But the tallest candlestick
Ain't much good without a wick
You've got to live right to be the light of the world

Easter 3: A Ghost?

  Welcome to Easter-tide or the Great 50 Days of Easter. We’re looking at some of the post-Resurrection meetings by Jesus and his followers....