As Beloved
of God and people in relationship with God, we are also in relationship with
one another. As we are fully provided with what we need, day by day, we in turn
we ‘pay it forward’ starting with forgiving our self and others as we seek to
follow our Father.
Rejoicing in
the relationship vertically to God and horizontally with each other, we can say
“forever and ever, Amen”. When we say ‘Amen’ we are signaling our assent to all
that we have just prayed. We are saying ‘so be it’ to each of the lines in the
Part 1
So be it is what Amen means. What does that word mean to you?
Sit and repeat ‘so be it’ after each line of the Lord’s Prayer.
Our Father in Heaven So
Be ItHallowed be Thy Name So Be It
Thy Kingdom Come So Be It
Thy Will be Done on Earth as in Heaven So Be It
Give us this day our daily Bread So Be It
And Forgive us our Trespasses, So Be it
As we forgive those who trespass against us So Be It
And lead us not into temptation So Be it
But Deliver us from evil So Be it
For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory So Be It
Forever and Ever So Be It, Amen
In Advent we’ll start a new series of meditations in preparation for the Nativity and Incarnation of our Lord.