I have a group of women whose friendship I treasure. We have supported one another through many life changes. There have been traumas with children, health issues, job changes, challenges to faith, and just life in general. Some of these women have moved away, but we still keep in touch. Most important is the way we hold each other accountable for our actions. When someone makes a plan, we help her remember what it was. If one of us is discouraged, we offer support and let her know she isn't alone. When anyone in the group is seeking answers, we pray with her.
Even Jesus had his closest companions—the 12 disciples. And within that group were the ones nearest his heart—Peter, James, and John. There were many who followed him as Rabbi, but it was these special few that He entrusted with His true identity and mission. Do you follow Jesus as a wise Rabbi or as the One whose birth we celebrate in 3 days--the "God Incarnate, Man Divine" (as the hymn puts it)?
Hopefully you, too, have friends you can laugh AND cry with. You will find your life journey enriched by the friends who walk with you. I’m sure you already know how much they support you and hold you accountable to your calling in life. Take time to say “Thanks” to the special ones in your life, this and every season.
See you tomorrow.