October 1, 2008

Treasure in a Field

"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Matt. 13:44 (RSV).

In the lexio devino method of Scrapbooking as a Spiritual Aid, we start with a Bible verse. During this on-line study,we'll be looking at verses 44-52 of the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 13. This week, we will focus on what the verse above says to each of us.

Start out by reading the verse above. Sit quietly and think about the words.

Read it through again, if possible in a different translation, and let yourself live in the verse.

Are you the Man? the Field? the Treasure? Use these questions as a starting point for meditation. You may want to leave the exercise and return to it later in the day or week.

Are you the man who buys the field?
How do you feel when you find the treasure?
Why do I cover up the treasure?

Do you see yourself as the field?
Are you lying fallow or growing a crop?
Where is the treasure buried?

What kind of treasure are you?
What happens when you are found?
How do you react to being covered up again?

Read the citation at least one more time (a third translation can be used, if desired) and think about the questions below:

In your life have you found something like a treasure in the field?
How did you react?
What "treasure" would you sell everything you own to possess?

Have you ever felt like a fallow field with nothing to offer?
Is there hidden treasure beneath the soil?
Is it hard to see that you are filled with treasure (talents)?
Do you think of your talents as treasure?
Have you ever felt that your treasure/talents have been overlooked?
How can you uncover your treasure?
At this point, we come to the scrapbooking part of the exercise.

Think about everything you've meditated on. Start collecting things to make your thoughts concrete. (I've shared some of the images that came to my mind.)
Are their images that come to mind relating to your insights?
Can you think of quotes, clippings, cartoons, etc. you remember that might relate to those images?
Do you have any postcards, notes, photos, stickers, etc. which remind you of this Bible verse, esp. your meditations related to the verse?
When you think about the lexio divino questions, is there anything you want to jot down or draw to help you remember your insights?

Gather the items that came to your mind for the page relating to this verse. (Remember it doesn't have to be a fancy or special scrapbook. I'm using some left over paper from other projects and a small notebook.)

Be Creative with your page--or double page spread. Have FUN! There is no such thing as a right answer or perfect page in this process.
If you want to share your comments on the process or any thoughts about the citation, feel free to do so below.
Check back next week for a view of my "Treasures in a Field" page and the next citation with new lexio divino questions.

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