October 6, 2008

Pearl of Great Price

"The Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it." Matt. 13:45-46 RSV

This week we are looking at the second parable in the series--the one often called the Pearl of Great Price. One note--the lexio divino process may be a more than one 'session' so that can have time to think about the verse and questions. We will use the same procedure as last week:

Start out by reading the verse above. Sit quietly and think about the words.

Read it through again, if possible in a different translation, and let yourself live in the verse.

Are you the merchant, searching for the best pearls?
What motivates your search? Fame, Fortune, Collecting, Gifts, Something else...?Where do you look for your pearls? Do you go to distant markets or do you dive for them yourself?
Do you see yourself as the oyster?
Think about how pearls are formed--a grain of sand irritates the animal and in defense it builds the pearl.

Read the citation at least one more time (a third translation can be used, if desired) and think about:

What are the pearls in my life? Wisdom or Knowledge or Wealth or Possessions or Faith or ...?
Do I search for the finest of pearls in my life or do I settle for the second best?
Where do I look for pearls?
What pearls have formed in my life as a result of troubles or difficulties (irritations)?

Now it's time to sit down and think about your thoughts and meditations. Then gather the materials to create your page.

Are their images that come to mind relating to your insights?
Can you think of quotes, clippings, cartoons, etc. you remember that might relate to those images?
Do you have any postcards, notes, photos, stickers, etc. which remind you of this Bible verse, esp. your meditations related to the verse?
When you think about the lexio divino questions, is there anything you want to jot down or draw to help you remember your insights?

Remember to Have Fun and Be Creative with your page(s).

There is no such thing as a right answer or perfect page in this process.
If you want to share your comments on the process or any thoughts about the citation, feel free to do so below.

Check back next week for a view of my "Pearl of Great Price" page and the next citation with new lexio divino questions.