October 14, 2008

Net Full of Fish

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net which was thrown into the sea and gathered fish of every kind; when it was full, men drew it ashore and sat down and sorted the good into vessels but threw away the bad." Matt. 13:47-48

On the surface, this parable talks about a net full of fish--good (edible) ones and bad (inedible or not kosher) fish. Fishermen on the Sea of Galilee used several methods of fishing. One was to toss out a circular net that had weights around the edge. A skilled fisherman would throw/cast the net so that it spread out flat on the surface and settled into the water. Then the net is pulled closed like a pouch and dragged to shore where the fish can be sorted.

Again, we'll follow the now familiar steps:

Start out by reading the verse above.
Sit quietly and think about the words.
Read it through again, if possible in a different translation.
Let yourself live in the verse.

Are you the fisherman?
Do you relate to the net cast on the water to gather the fish?
Maybe, you are one of the fish who is caught?

Read the citation again

As the fisherman are you happy with the catch?
As the net--do you feel new and strong or weak and torn and in need of repair?
As the fish--do you want to be saved or thrown back into the sea?

Now: sit down and think about your thoughts and meditations.
Gather the materials to create your page.
Are their images that come to mind?--quotes, clippings, cartoons, etc. you remember that might relate to those images?
When you think about the lexio divino questions, is there anything you want to jot down or draw to help you remember your insights?

Remember to Have Fun and Be Creative with your page(s).

There is no such thing as a right answer or perfect page in this process. If you want to share your comments on the process or any thoughts about the citation, feel free to do so below.

Check back next week for a view of my "Net of Fish" page and the next citation with new lexio divino questions.

Easter 3: A Ghost?

  Welcome to Easter-tide or the Great 50 Days of Easter. We’re looking at some of the post-Resurrection meetings by Jesus and his followers....