September 3, 2023

Pentecost 13: Labor Day


Happy Labor Day weekend. Celebrating the work of labor unions and “blue-collar” workers who keep everything running!

I’m taking the month of September off due to some travel. See you in October. 

If you are looking for a fall study, check out my most recent work: Sacred Story: Yours, Mine, Ours. Available on Amazon for $15, you can use this resource in a group to start conversations, or as an individual to deepen your understanding of God's call on your life. Thought provoking questions are included in each chapter.

"Women of the Bible, imperfect and yet loved by God, inspire us to embrace one another across what may seem to be deep divisions. Hearing the Sacred Story of Biblical women encourages our faith work. When we identify God’s love in the lives of ancient women, we are freed to share where our Sacred Stories of brokenness and of healing are also held in God’s love. Sharing seemingly dissimilar Sacred Stories helps us find common, holy ground in the ongoing saga of God’s dream of Beloved Community. Accepting our Sacred Story allow us to be vulnerable and open to hearing and sharing in other’s journeys and their yearnings for God’s redemption, hope, and love."