Appealing Books and more...
Cynthia's books are available from and Cynthia Davis. Most books are available on Contact Cindy directly if you have questions. Click on a title to read an excerpt from the book. (As noted, some are currently out of print, but may be available on Amazon.)
Brand New
Sacred Story: Yours, Mine, Ours
Women of the Bible,
imperfect and yet loved by God, inspire us to embrace one another across what
may seem to be deep divisions. Hearing the Sacred Story of Biblical women
encourages our faith work. When we identify God’s love in the lives of ancient
women, we are freed to share where our Sacred Stories of brokenness and of
healing are also held in God’s love. Sharing seemingly dissimilar Sacred
Stories helps us find common, holy ground in the ongoing saga of God’s dream of
Beloved Community. Accepting our Sacred Story allow us to be vulnerable and
open to hearing and sharing in other’s journeys and their yearnings for God’s
redemption, hope, and love.
Use this resource in a group to start conversations, or as an individual to deepen your understanding of God's call on your life. Thought provoking questions are included in each chapter
A basic part of all Christian life is the Lord’s Prayer. We recite it at nearly every worship service. Many of us learned it as children and return to it whenever we need comfort. Come on a journey that will inspire you to look at the words of this prayer in a new way.
Learn how this life changing and life empowering prayer calls us to be part of God’s love. Be inspired to live more fully as a participant in God’s dream of a Beloved Community.
Inspiration from alternate translations of the Lord’s Prayer and the Way of Love by The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, help unlock new dimensions in this familiar prayer. Questions and a closing prayer exercise for each chapter encourage new action with a heart and mind open to God’s work in all creation.
You can get the book on Amazon, or from Cindy. ISBN: 978-0-98447-23-4-5 (retail $10).
A Sampler of Bible Beauty
Interested in learning more about the women of the Bible and their life and recipes? Have a "Meet the Women of the Bible Tea", a "Bible Beauty Workshop", or "Bible Spa Party" at your home with Cynthia Davis. Contact Cynthia for more information.
Miriam’s journey to understanding her talents provides important insight to anyone struggling with the same discernment. Miriam’s Healing revisits the Exodus through the eyes of Moses’ sister Miriam. Study guide now included in the book. ISBN : 978-0-557-00943-5 (retail $15, sale $10) Also available on Study guide included.
A love story within a love story, Naomi’s Joy, is also the tale of learning to have the courage to move beyond the scars of the past. Naomi learns it takes maturity to accept both the good and bad parts of life as she struggles with her past. ISBN:978-1-58288-257-4 (retail $15.00-sale $10)
Study guide available: "Rooted in the Tree of Life" to accompany Naomi's Joy. Free Download, or email Cynthia for a printed copy ($5 to cover printing and mailing).
My Abigail, a tale of adventure and conflict, reminds everyone how important it is to “have the courage of your convictions”. Abigail makes discovers she has to depend on living a life of honesty, despite the consequences. ISBN 978-1-58288-269-7 (retail $15.00-sale $10)
Lester's First Flight is a children's book for beginning readers. a little bird needs encouragement from his mother to learn how to fly. ISBN 978-0-9844723-1-4 ($8 retail) Available from or Cynthia.

From a Grain of Mustard Seed is the history of St. John’s Cathedral is brought to life in a fascinating way, using the words, photos, and memories of current and former members. ISBN: 978-0-557-02763-7 (hardcover, retail $35.50)
Beloved Leah explores the nomadic life style of 4000 years ago through the love triangle of Leah, Rachel and Jacob. More than a love story, Leah learns that love is not dependent on outer beauty, but is the result of believing in yourself. ISBN 1-58288-220-7 (some copies available from Cynthia or pre-read copies may be available on Amazon)
Universal in appeal, the saga of Joseph, his betrayal and elevation to power teaches important lessons about family and how to prosper despite obstacles. It is I, Joseph is the story of how one man discovers love and hope while learning to forgive. ISBN 1-58943-004-2 (out of print, pre-read copies may be available on Amazon)
Full of intrigue and suspense Rahab’s Redemption, winner of the 2007 NM Book Turquoise Award, is the story of an outsider seeking tolerance in a different culture. Rahab struggle to be accepted as a member of the Children of Israel, despite her different ethnic background. ISBN 1-58288-215-0 (out of print, pre-read copies may be available on Amazon)
Use this resource in a group to start conversations, or as an individual to deepen your understanding of God's call on your life. Thought provoking questions are included in each chapter
Available on Amazon, or contact Cindy. ISBN 978-0984472352. Retail $15.
The Lord's Prayer: Walk in Love
A basic part of all Christian life is the Lord’s Prayer. We recite it at nearly every worship service. Many of us learned it as children and return to it whenever we need comfort. Come on a journey that will inspire you to look at the words of this prayer in a new way.
Learn how this life changing and life empowering prayer calls us to be part of God’s love. Be inspired to live more fully as a participant in God’s dream of a Beloved Community.
Inspiration from alternate translations of the Lord’s Prayer and the Way of Love by The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, help unlock new dimensions in this familiar prayer. Questions and a closing prayer exercise for each chapter encourage new action with a heart and mind open to God’s work in all creation.
You can get the book on Amazon, or from Cindy. ISBN: 978-0-98447-23-4-5 (retail $10).

Bible women, like Lot's daughter, Eve, and Samson's mother share stories and recipes using familiar ingredients in ancient ways. Natural beauty is just a few pages away. ISBN: 978-0-98447-232-1. (retail $12-sale 10)
Interested in learning more about the women of the Bible and their life and recipes? Have a "Meet the Women of the Bible Tea", a "Bible Beauty Workshop", or "Bible Spa Party" at your home with Cynthia Davis. Contact Cynthia for more information.
Joseph of Nazareth finds he must make some difficult decisions when he takes Mary, My Love as his wife. Can he find the faith to follow the call of God? His love for Mary will challenge him and change the world. Finalist in 2010 for Best Historical Fiction NM Book Awards. ISBN 978-0-9844723-0-7 (retail $15.00-sale $10).
Miriam’s journey to understanding her talents provides important insight to anyone struggling with the same discernment. Miriam’s Healing revisits the Exodus through the eyes of Moses’ sister Miriam. Study guide now included in the book. ISBN : 978-0-557-00943-5 (retail $15, sale $10) Also available on Study guide included.

Study guide available: "Rooted in the Tree of Life" to accompany Naomi's Joy. Free Download, or email Cynthia for a printed copy ($5 to cover printing and mailing).

Study Guide Now Available for Download. You can request a print copy of the study from Cynthia ($5 to cover printing and mailing)

Lester's First Flight is a children's book for beginning readers. a little bird needs encouragement from his mother to learn how to fly. ISBN 978-0-9844723-1-4 ($8 retail) Available from or Cynthia.

From a Grain of Mustard Seed is the history of St. John’s Cathedral is brought to life in a fascinating way, using the words, photos, and memories of current and former members. ISBN: 978-0-557-02763-7 (hardcover, retail $35.50)

Full of intrigue and suspense Rahab’s Redemption, winner of the 2007 NM Book Turquoise Award, is the story of an outsider seeking tolerance in a different culture. Rahab struggle to be accepted as a member of the Children of Israel, despite her different ethnic background. ISBN 1-58288-215-0 (out of print, pre-read copies may be available on Amazon)