Watch for upcoming retreats (virtual and in person) based on the recently released The Lord's Prayer: Walk in Love.
Some topics are below:
Bible Spa Party or Tea-experience foods and beauty products like women of the Bible. (Based on A Sampler of Bible Beauty)
Enter the Tabernacle-Holy Symbolism for your Life (Based on Miriam's Healing)
Spiritual Scrapbooking-How to see our life experiences as holy (Based on It is I Joseph)
Women of the Bible-a study of our gifts (Based on many of Cynthia's books)Saying Yes to God-how do we respond to God's call? (Based on Mary, My Love)
Meeting God on the Journey-Perfect Lent retreat topic, we follow Jesus' on his way to Jerusalem.
Recognizing Burning Bushes: Seeing God in unexpected places in our lives. As Elizabeth Barrett Browning said, “every common bush [is] afire with God.”
Spiritual Scrapbooking: Enrich your faith with lectio divino and a scrapbook.
Alpha to Omega: A different type of prayer journal.
Gifted and Grace Filled: Each of us really is loved and given creativity to share that love.
Good Girls vs God Girls: Are Godly women always subservient and sweet? We’ll look at several Bible women to see.