August 4, 2024

Parables in Pentecost: Pearl and Treasure

 In our ongoing exploration of Jesus’ parables during the Season of Pentecost, today we are combining two Parables. The Parable of the Treasure Hidden in a Field, and the Parable of the Pearl of Great Price. Both are found in the Gospel of Matthew.


44 ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

45 ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; 46on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:44; Matthew 13:45-46)

Conversation starters

Both these parables are about an amazing stroke of luck in finding something worth a lot of money. In one case a rare pearl, and in the other a treasure in a field. Both these treasures are concealed from the casual observer—underground or in an oyster.

Pearls grow in oysters. Oysters are not considered kosher for Jews to eat because they lack fins and scales. However, the rarity and beauty of pearls themselves would have made them special and expensive in First Century Palestine.

Pearls do not start out as lovely shimmery orbs, though. They are created by the oyster trying to ease the discomfort of a bit of sand or shell inside its shell. The oyster covers the painful bit with layers of aragonite and conchiolin. These build up layers called nacre until a pearl is formed. Pearls are only considered valuable after they are harvested and cleaned. Then, because they are prized by humans for their beauty, they have value.

Similarly, the treasure in the field only has value because it is a commodity. Ellicott’s Commentary notes all cultures have stories of treasure hidden and found by some lucky person later. “As far back as the days of Solomon such a search had become a parable for the eager pursuit of wisdom.” The Commentary also states, “The conduct of the man who finds the treasure, in concealing the fact of his discovery from the owner of the field, hardly corresponds with our notions of integrity, but parables… bring out the salient points--in this case, the eagerness of the man to obtain the treasure, and the sacrifice he is ready to make for it...the minds of the disciples would hardly be shocked at what would seem to them a natural stroke of sharpness.”

Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is so valuable that we ought to desire it more than anything. The lucky finders are willing to sell everything they have to get the field with treasure and the pearl. We are called to be willing to give up everything that we might consider of value in order to build and be part of that kingdom.

What do you think is the greatest Treasure you have?

Is there something that you would sell everything you own to possess?

Action Item

Pearls are made by building up layers to cover something painful. 

What are your layers?