July 14, 2024

Parables in Pentecost: Mustard Seed


This parable about the Mustard Seed comes in the middle of a series of parables about. Jesus again and again reminds his disciples that the work of the Kingdom starts small, like seeds.

He put before them another parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.’ Matthew 13:31-32 (Also: Mark 4:30-32, Luke 13:18-19)

Conversation starters

The mustard seed is a small seed that you wouldn’t expect to grow into a bush. We expect big seeds for trees and bushes. The mustard tree can grow up to 20’ tall with a gnarled and twisted trunk. It also grows rapidly, reaching full height in only a few years. The leaves are oval-shaped and its small, white flowers are arranged in clusters. The tree's fruit is small, spherical berries that contain numerous seeds.

Aside from the seeds, which we use to make mustard, the tree is home for birds, insects, and small mammals. There is research studying compounds found in its various parts for their potential in treating a range of health issues, including inflammatory and infectious diseases. In some cultures, mustard seed oil is used to promote hair growth, strengthen hair, and improve skin health. The branches have been chewed and used as toothbrushes by many cultures throughout history. Ancient Egyptians and Indians associated the tree with growth, transformation, and renewal, reflecting its ability to thrive in challenging environments. Mustard Tree: Facts, Benefits, and History (hortusurbanus.com)

Jesus knew all this about the mustard tree. He refers to the astonishing growth and the birds nesting in the branches.

What does it mean that this tiny seed, which grows into a massive tree, is like the Kingdom of God?

Is there a seed in your heart that you think is too small to matter in building Beloved Community?

Action Item

Trace your hand with fingers stretched out like branches. This is your Mustard Tree. If you want, glue a mustard seed at the base.
Add leaves and write one of your gifts on each leaf. (singer, baker, giver, leader, encourager…)

Consider all the gifts on your leaves. Draw a cluster or 2 of mustard seed pods. What might your fruit be in those pods?

There’s a children’s song about Faith as Small as a MustardSeed that might give you encouragement if you doubt your importance in the Kingdom. 

Faith As Small As A Mustard Seed
Will Move Mountains, Move Mountains
Faith As Small As A Mustard Seed
Will Move Mountains By The Power Of God.

Believe What Jesus Said Was True.
Believe He Meant It Just For You.
Wait And See What God Will Do
As You Pray, As You Pray.