April 11, 2020

Walk with Jesus: Holy Week 2020-Saturday

This week, I'll be posting a study: Walk with Jesus: Holy Week 2020. You can download the entire study, or just visit this page every day. (If you download the pdf, you should be able to print it 2 pages to a sheet (8.5 x 11) if you set it to landscape.)
We'll journey through Israel, pausing to read and reflect at various events of His life and ministry. These events took place at specific locations, so you’ll learn a bit about Israel in 30AD, too. There are questions to inspire you to meditate on your response to Jesus’ ministry and how that may be different this year due to self-isolation and social distancing. After completing the daily study, take time to reflect and journal on the questions. If you are doing this study with friends, share you insights with each other. Each session has an activity to do as well to help you move faith into action.
Close each session with the prayer in the lesson.

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus, walk with me and open my heart to what you would have me learn from these lessons. Amen.

The Garden: Triumph of Christ (Saturday)

The word “Triumph” means victory, accomplishment, success, overcoming odds. Jesus entered Jerusalem to loud and clamorous acclaim, which would seem to be the triumph of a conquering king. However, his real triumph would come in a different form. Jesus died the death of a criminal and was buried in a borrowed grave.

Reflect on how the self-isolation this Lent has created a time for spiritual introspection and growth. What have you learned about yourself and your faith? 

In contrast to the stark hill of Golgotha, the Garden nearby provided a cool shelter from the dusty road. The ancient olive grove with its oil press, called a gethsemane, was a popular sleeping area for travelers. It was in this garden that Jesus was arrested.

Farther down the hillside was another garden filled with caves used as tombs of many wealthy Jewish citizens. The caves were sealed with huge stones that rolled into a groove in front of the opening. Joseph of Arimathea and the women buried Jesus there.

Read  Matthew Matthew 28:1-8

Why do you think the Joseph of Arimathea offered his grave?

How will you show Christ’s triumph in life and ministry differently this year?

Take Action:

Today is called Holy Saturday. Jesus lies in the grave, and the disciples feel despair. They do not know what the future will bring. Try to enter their thoughts and feelings.

Go with the women as they plod to the garden tomb on Sunday morning. Imagine what happens then.

Today’s Prayer:

Living Christ, open my eyes to see your truth and my ears to hear your prophets amid the clamor and glamor of the world so that I may turn to you in the midst of worry and fear. Blessed Lord, you died in agony for my salvation—not a victory of armies, but of enduring and everlasting love. Help me to be faithful to your call to follow, not counting the cost, but following faithfully. Amen.

Prayer for Holy Saturday (BCP)

O God, Creator of heaven and earth:  Grant that, as the crucified body of your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we may await with him the  coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness of life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.